Thanks to you

Was that a year! While the BK almost came to a standstill during the Corona peak (like many other groups), our engine finally started up again in 2022 in second gear. A bit bumpy at first. But things went ahead again. A few volunteers* got behind the wheel, but without you and without all of us, Jena's mobile kitchen would just be a bunch of pots and pans. So thank you for staying with us or participating from scratch. Thank you for all the exhausting and wonderful actions that were and maybe will come.

Review 2022
In the past year we have managed to provide many active groups and people with vegan food. Among them ROSA e.V., women's strike, #NotMitUns district networking, pier, Deutsche Wohnen & Co. expropriate, and much more.

Actions 2023
But today is not every day. There is still a lot to do for a change in society as a whole and the activists are of course hungry! So let's scribble the following cooking dates in the new 2023 calendar:

  • 08.03. F*steik, Jena
  • 21.04.-23.04. ROSA e.V. Vernetzungstreffen, Meuchefitz
  • 22.04. Strukturübergreifende Vernetzungs-Demo, Jena
  • 16.06.-06.07. Fusion, Lärz
  • 01.08.-06.08. Netz der Rebellion, Pödelwitz
  • 17.08.-20.08. AMS Camp, Schwarzwald
  • August: Utopienspielplatz e.V. Workshopfest, Würchhausen

Many of the actions still need support or responsible people, so please get in touch loud and clear, no matter what level of knowledge!

There will be an on boarding meeting in February for anyone who is seriously interested in getting involved at organizational level. Appointment finding

Contrary to the above metaphor, our car recently went bust. So we are again looking for a roadworthy vehicle. (Psst... spread the word!)

That's it for now.
The Black Kitchen Orga Crew wishes you an active 2023.

For a liberated society. For a solidary, non-discriminatory, climate and environmental friendly, anti-national, anarchist and anti-capitalist world!¹

¹See self-image of the BK